People working for a purpose: Reference List
Research on profiles of for-purpose people (1)
Carlo, G., Okun, M. A., Knight, G. P., & de Guzman, M. R. T. (2005). The interplay of traits and motives on volunteering: Agreeableness, extraversion and prosocial value motivation. Personality and individual differences, 38(6), 1293-1305.
Chen, C. W., & Gorski, P. C. (2015). Burnout in social justice and human rights activists: Symptoms, causes and implications. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 7(3), 366-390.
Cordeaux, E. (2017). Young People and Nonprofit Work. Imagine Canada. Accessed from:
Hudson, S., & Inkson, K. (2007). Overseas development workers:‘Big Five’personality scores. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 1(1), 5-9.
Jones, R., Latham, J., & Betta, M. (2008). Narrative construction of the social entrepreneurial identity. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
Nga, J. K., Prialé, M. A., Darmohraj, A., & Moschetti, M. Personality traits and social entrepreneurship dimensions in Argentina and Peru.
Plater-Zyberk, H. (2005). Working from the heart: an exploration of what propels 12 quality social entrepreneurs. UnLtd, available at: www. unltd. org. uk/download/HPZ_UnLtd_ Report_circulated. pdf (accessed 15 October 2006).
Ridder, H. G., & McCandless, A. (2010). Influences on the architecture of human resource management in nonprofit organizations: An analytical framework. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 39(1), 124-141.
(2) Sastre‐Castillo, M. A., Peris‐Ortiz, M., & Danvila‐Del Valle, I. (2015). What is different about the profile of the social entrepreneur?. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 25(4), 349-369.
Research on problems related to personalities of for-purpose people (3)
Carr, S. C., McWha, I., MacLachlan, M., & Furnham, A. (2010). International–local remuneration differences across six countries: Do they undermine poverty reduction work?. International Journal of Psychology, 45(5), 321-340.
Cordeaux, E. (2017). Young People and Nonprofit Work. Imagine Canada. Accessed from:
Jones, R., Latham, J., & Betta, M. (2008). Narrative construction of the social entrepreneurial identity. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
Li, Y., Guan, Y., Wang, F., Zhou, X., Guo, K., Jiang, P., ... & Fang, Z. (2015). Big-five personality and BIS/BAS traits as predictors of career exploration: The mediation role of career adaptability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 89, 39-45.
Pigni, A. Burnout and Organisational Mindfullness. Organisation Unbound. Accessed from:
Ridder, H. G., & McCandless, A. (2010). Influences on the architecture of human resource management in nonprofit organizations: An analytical framework. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 39(1), 124-141.
Rode, J. C., Arthaud‐Day, M. L., Mooney, C. H., Near, J. P., & Baldwin, T. T. (2008). Ability and personality predictors of salary, perceived job success, and perceived career success in the initial career stage. International journal of selection and assessment, 16(3), 292-299.
Seibert, S. E., & Kraimer, M. L. (2001). The five-factor model of personality and career success. Journal of vocational behavior, 58(1), 1-21.
Tahir, M., & Shinwari, A. K. K. (2016). A Study of Five-Factor Model of Personality and Employee Counter Work Behavior Among Staff of Selected NGOs. Management, 2(2), 1-16.
Tassell, N., & Flett, R. (2007). Obsessive passion as an explanation for burnout: An alternative theoretical perspective applied to humanitarian work. The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling, 13(2), 101-114.