People and Culture Audit

Our people and culture audit is designed specifically for purpose-driven organisations.

During the audit, we focus on your organisation’s people, culture, and strategy, providing clarity around its strengths and weaknesses, as well as a pathway for future improvements. Our audit will help you leverage evidence-based practice and offer you an impartial review of your organisation to help you understand how you can better achieve your organisational goals.

If you feel unsure that you are supporting your employees as best you can, or whether you are just seeking to take stock of where your organisation is currently, chat with us now!

How it works

Kick-off session

In this 45-minute kick-off session, we’ll discuss your goals, set expectations, and agree on the scope of the audit. We will also discuss any relevant documents or policies that will be useful for the audit.


1.5 hour review session

A review session with the leader(s) of your organisation, which explores three key areas: the Team, the Leader(s), and the Organisation. This session allows us to gain both quantitative and qualitative data, and usually takes 1.5 hours.

1:1 interviews

We’ll conduct several one-to-one semi-structured interviews with your employees to gain qualitative data, allowing a deeper understanding of your organisation. Interviews usually take 30-45 minutes, and are conducted with employees who come from different levels and roles.

Employee survey

We survey your employees on your people and culture practices and policies. This allows us to gain more quantitative data to guide our recommendations.

Report and debrief

Along with providing you with a report of our findings, we conduct a debrief with you and other leader(s), providing some recommendations with next steps. The debrief usually takes 1-hour. We conduct additional surveys to round out the report and for follow up purposes if required.

For organisations with fewer than 20 people


Includes kick-off meeting, review session, interviews with staff, survey, and report and debrief.

For organisations with 20-100 people


Includes kick-off meeting, review session, interviews with staff, survey, and report and debrief.


  • Yes.

    While we recommend undertaking a comprehensive review using our standard process, we’re happy to discuss with you any specific priorities and concerns you want to address.

  • An audit is best conducted by an impartial, unbiased third party. Our expertise lies in assessing the people and culture challenges facing an organisation, and implementing evidence-based practices, where we draw on our background and experience in organisational psychology, neuroscience, and education.

  • Depending on the availability of those who need to be involved, this process should take between 1-3 months from introduction session to debrief, depending on the number of people within the organisation.

  • Short answer: contact us!

    We appreciate that growing social enterprises and other purpose-driven organisations encounter financial difficulties, so if you’re keen to improve your people and culture practices, we’re happy to have a chat and discuss some options.

  • This audit is focused on your organisation’s people, culture and strategy. We explore quantitative and qualitative data from interviews, surveys and other sessions, and examine your policies and procedures.